
Why do we need a journal solely focused on the malignant diseases of the pancreas?

Lei Zheng


Pancreatic cancer has become the third leading cause of death from malignant diseases in both the United States and Europe. The incidence of pancreatic cancer is rising. Tremendous efforts have been devoted to basic and clinical research in pancreatic cancer. However, the outcome of pancreatic cancer has been minimally improved over the last thirty years. Such a profound sadness tells us that we should spend more efforts and be more focused on this disease. There had been no scientific journal that is solely focused on the malignant diseases of the pancreas. It is critical to have a media to rapidly disseminate research news and reports within the communities of pancreatic cancer researchers and have a venue to discuss the management strategies for pancreatic cancer among clinicians. This is why we are launching Annals of Pancreatic Cancer.

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